Creating Contemporary Liturgical Textile Art Since 2005

What Inspires Me?

Shopping Mall Decor

I was shopping one day and saw they had decorated the food court area with huge stylized leaves, which gave me the idea to explore different ways to use a minimal leaf motif on a set of paraments. The result was an elegant design that conveys the season of growth during ordinary time.

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Church Architecture

One advantage of custom paraments is that you can incorporate small details that create something that would be beautiful anywhere, but are clearly designed for your space. In each of these superfrontals, the contoured hem echoes arches in the chancel architecture. A Gothic arch over the chancel or a softer curve in the woodwork around […]

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Mid-Century Design

I was commissioned to create a set of vestments for a church in Peoria which is a wonderful example of mid-century modern church design. I explored design from that era to find inspiration for the cross which became the central design element throughout the set of vestments and paraments.

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Childhood Doodles

When I was in middle school I worked on a literary journal and created a cover for one of the issues which was a simple drawing showing how straight lines placed carefully created prominent curves. I revisited that idea when I was challenged to create Easter paraments. That childhood design yielded this abstract sunrise design […]

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The Art of Eyvind Earle

Eyvind Earle was an artist and illustrator for early Disney animated films. He is best known for Sleeping Beauty. I discovered his work at an exhibit in Toronto and purchased a monograph shortly after. In addition to Disney he also created some beautiful Christian works. For years I had wanted to do a three wise […]

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I was approached by a university to create banners for their chapel with the stipulation that the design reflect their strength in teaching the sciences. I began by brainstorming icons that suggest the world of science, and finding similarities to Christian symbols. The unifying element of circles was an obvious connection. By adapting my previous […]

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Jewelry Design

I was at an art fair in St. Louis and saw a beautiful line of jewelry in which each of the design elements was coiled wool felt nestled into a silver fitting. These fittings were clustered together in groups of three and four. I was taken with the rich colors and sharp lines, and the […]

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When my friend Harry was ordained a deacon, I wanted to create something special for him. In his day job he is a computer guy, and loves math and science. So I created a deacon stole with a stripe of spectrum colors wrapping from hem to hem. But the length of each piece of rainbow-colored […]

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Interfaith Activism

One of the first things I did as I was beginning my business was to create a banner for an interfaith organizing project for the LGBT advocacy organization I led for ten years. The idea at the time was to depict how different faith traditions could organize around a single goal. This resulted in overlapping […]

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Chancel Furnishings

For a local commission I visited the church to meet with their altar guild and find inspiration. I was taken with their presence candle, which is suspended in an orb of overlapping ribbons of steel. I worked with that idea until I struck upon this selection of overlapping circles and ovals which created both a […]

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